Latest News

Now Accepting Horizon Insurance!

Speech Start is now accepting Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Managed Care and PPO insurance plans! Contact us for details!

Summer Camp Schedule is HERE!

Speech Start’s Summer Camp Schedule is here! The website will soon reflect these new changes! Call us at 732-888-3912 or email us at to reserve your spot today!

Spring Break Schedule!

Just a friendly reminder that Speech Start is closed on Sunday March 27 for the Easter holiday and will be operating on a different schedule for the week of March 27-April 1. Call us at 732-888-3912 if you have any questions or concerns about the modified schedule!

Summer Session 2016!

The Summer 2016 Group Therapy Schedule is here! Contact us at 732-888-3912 for details!

Spring Break is Approaching!

Spring break is approaching! Speech Start will maintain a regular schedule for the week of March 28-April 3. Please let us know about your plans for spring break. Will you be on vacation? Would like to increase therapy for that week? Would you like to change your session time/day? We would be happy to accommodate you and your child!