Student of the Month

March Student of the Month – Julian

Julian is doing such great work and has been making great progress with his /k/ and /g/ sounds! He always comes to speech ready to work and practice his sounds!


February Student of the Month – Keegan

Keegan is a hard working speech student.  He always comes to speech with all of his homework completed.  Keegan loves sports and Legos. We are so proud of Keegan’s accomplishments.

February Student of the Month – Espen

Espen is a hard working speech student! He completes all of his speech work and always tries his best. He loves drawing and playing games during our speech sessions together. Espen is a star student!

January Student of the Month – Jonathan

Jonathan continues to emerge as a leader in our boys group. He has worked really hard on improving his social skills and enjoys helping his peers learn to improve theirs!