Speech Start Scholarship Recipient

Many children with speech and language disorders struggle to get the therapy they need due to the expense of the service.  Clients who attend Speech Start, LLC are no different! Unfortunately and sadly many children who need help to communicate don’t have the right insurance or their special needs don’t fit in a specific box so the insurance companies say no to coverage.

An amazing family from Speech Start, Rohit Shanker, Divya and Prithvi Singh have started a scholarship program for the purpose of providing a student with a course of therapy here at Speech Start, LLC. This amazing family has provided a scholarship grant to a student who needs therapy due to a speech disorder, specifically the therapy that her family could not afford. This scholarship identifies and supports young people of exceptional motivation who have financial need and demonstrate a willingness to improve.

The recipient of this scholarship provided by the SIngh family is KL. KL is a three year old girl.  She works hard in her speech therapy sessions with Ms Shay.  She wants to communicate with other people however it is difficult for her because she has Apraxia.  Her parents are extremely thankful that the Singh family has provided their child with an opportunity to get the help their daughter needs.

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